Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Book 1 - A Goddess Intervenes

Hello to all. As I write this post, I shed tears of sadness. My father is away and the Council of Ithaca thinks he is dead. This has caused an endless line of suitors to line up at the doorstep of my mother for her to marry one of them. As if that were nothing, these free-loading selfish ******** are tearing up my father's cows, oxen, horses, harrassing the maids, treating me like a maid, and ordering my mother to marry one of them! That picture up there, yeah, ONE MAN'S MEAL EVERY TIME! This reminds me of a time in school where I was learning something about Legalism, a Chinese Philosophy, which states that people are born evil. I guess it matures with the body of the human being, and then when given the chance, the evil just comes out. These men are attracted to a woman who is of the age of their mothers! I mean, you should atleast have some respect, for elder women, if not respect for women themselves. I tell you, all these men want is to have sex with my mother period. They don't care how long they have to wait. I guess all I want is to have my dad back. Everyone wants to satisfy their Ids. Is that the purpose of life? Is it just how humans are? All I know for sure, is that people in general, simply want their Ids satisfied. I just can't wait for my father to come back, on which occassion me and him will kick some serious Ithacan leader ***. The best news came yesterday, when a stranger came into the house, a male, of course. At first I thought that his was another one of those idiotic jock suitors, but then, I thought, "If he were a suitor, I would've seen him before, fed him some oxen meat, or even given him a glass of wine." No, this man was completely new to me, so I took him into the kitchen and started talking to him about the long lost father of mine. He told me that he got wind that he was alive, how he didn't concisely say. The point is, that he knows that my father is still alive, and he is! I knew it all along! I have to go out and find him before he is found by Poseidon and gets killed by him for the death of his son. I just hope he's safe. If anyone can reach him, please do me the great favor of telling him that we are fine, the house is fine, and so is everything else. Just come home as fast as you can! Thank you very much! "Telemachus!" Sorry, that's one of those ******* suitors. Gotta go! I'll see you all tomorrow! Please tell my dad I love him. Good bye. Till we meet again friends! Godspeed and may the speed of Hermes be with you!

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