Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Book 4 - The Red Haired King and His Lady

In Sparta, the king and queen, Menelaus and Helen of originally Paris of course, were celebrating the separate marriages of their son and daughter. They happily greeted Pisistratus and I, and they quickly recognized whose son I was because of the clear family resemblance. As we all feasted, the king and queen reminisced with melancholy the many examples of father’s cunningness at Troy. Helen, the one who was made for Paris by Aphrodite, recalled how father dressed as a beggar to infiltrate the city’s walls. Menelaus told the famous story of the Trojan horse, father’s masterful gambit that allowed the us to sneak into Troy and slaughter the Trojans. The following day, Menelaus recounted his own return from Troy. He says that, stranded in Egypt, he was forced to capture Proteus, the divine Old Man of the Sea. Proteus told him the way back to Sparta and then informed him of the fates of Agamemnon and Ajax, another Greek hero, who survived Troy only to perish back in Greece. Proteus also told him news of father—that he was still alive but was imprisoned by Calypso on her island. Buoyed by this report, myself and Pisistratus returned to Pylos to set sail for Ithaca. The thing that amazed me most was, how Helen was sticking to Menelaus so much, just because Menelaus took her from Paris, even after being made for Paris and most likely having sex with Paris. Once again, do all people live to do is satisfy their Ids? The Ids of the suitor at home is sex with mother. Helen's Id is to have sex, no matter who its with. Is that what Aphrodite is as well? A goddess a prostitute, except dosn't take money for what she does? I'm sick and tired of people simply living for their Ids, especially if their Id is sex! Yes, that does mean that I'm tired of life. All that happens in my life is to see these idiot suitors every day, until now, and now, all I see is blue water all around me. If I go onto land, all I see is the royalty of palaces. Can't I simply live life? My New Trier Helper found a video on by Good Charlotte, called I Just Wanna Live. It really describes my emotions right now. I especially want to live after my father comes back. That's why I'm trying to find him. So that he can come back, live and rule, meanwhile I go back, chill and simply live. Anyway, I hear news from a local farmer in Sparta, that suitors back at home learned of my voyage and are preparing to ambush me upon my return. The herald Medon overheard their plans and reports them to mother. She became distraught when she reflected that she may soon lose me in addition father, but lucky for us, Athena sent a phantom in the form of my aunt, Iphthime, to reassure her. Aunty Iphthime told her not to worry, for she was protecting me.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Book 3 - The Lord of the Western Approaches

At Pylos, Mentor, although I think it was Athena, and I witnessed an impressive religious ceremony in which dozens of bulls are sacrificed to Poseidon, the god of the sea. Although I have little experience with public speaking, Mentor gave me the encouragement that I needed to approach Nestor, the city’s king, and ask him about my father. Nestor, however, has no information about him. He recounted that after the fall of Troy a falling-out occurred between Agamemnon and Menelaus, the two Greek brothers who had led the expedition. Menelaus set sail for Greece immediately, while Agamemnon decided to wait a day and continue sacrificing on the shores of Troy. Nestor went with Menelaus, while father stayed with Agamemnon, and he had heard no news of father. He said that he can only pray that Athena will show me the kindness that she showed father. He adds that he has heard that suitors have taken over his house in Ithaca and that he hopes that I will achieve the renown in defense of father that Orestes, son of Agamemnon, won in defense of his father. So perhaps there are good people in this world after all. Not only do they satisfy their sexual Ids, they also help others satisfy their Ids. So my New Trier helper has been telling me about Hobbes and all of his stuff. He tells me that I have entered a covenant with Athena, and I have to find my father to restore peace. Otherwise, my mother would have to go to her father's house and another suitor would for sure marry her. So I enetered this covenant because I wanted my Id satisfied. So perhaps all humans do live to satisfy their own Ids. Anway, I then asked Nestor about Agamemnon’s fate. Nestor explains that Agamemnon returned from Troy to find that Aegisthus, a base coward who remained behind while the Greeks fought in Troy, had seduced and married his wife, Clytemnestra. With her approval, Aegisthus murdered Agamemnon. He would have then taken over Agamemnon’s kingdom had not Orestes, who was in exile in Athens, returned and killed Aegisthus and Clytemnestra. Nestor held the courage of Orestes up as an example for myself. He sent his own son Pisistratus along to accompany me to Sparta, and the two of us set out by land the next day. Athena, who I thought was Mentor, revealed her divinity by shedding the form of Mentor and changing into an eagle before the entire court of Pylos, stayed behind to protect my ship and crew. So what do you know? I have a goddess on my side. If you guys eer get a chance, listen to the song "Loose Id for Orchestra" by Steven Bryant. It talks about what happens when the Id goes loose and crazy. That's how it kinda is at my house and inside me right now. Until we meet again, this time in Sparta!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Book 2 - A Hero's Son Awakens

So I called a council meeting yesterday. At the beginning, Aegyptius, a wise Ithacan elder, spoke first. He praised me for stepping into my father’s shoes, noting that this occasion marks the first time that the assembly has been called since father had left us to join King Menelaus and King Agamemnon to defeat the Trojans. I gave a speech through which I tried the suitors to back down and step away from my house, if they feared the gods. I lamented the loss of both my father and his home. I told them that they were stinking Id satisfiers that were simply evidence that the idea of Legalism in the Chinese philosophy is true. They were people who were naturally born evil. All they wanted to do was screw mother and just let her be their little sex toy. People are just wanting to satisfy their Ids. These men are naturally evil and their lust for mother is evidence enough to prove this. I told them that I was sick and tired of them consuming father’s oxen and sheep as they continue their courting day in and day out when any decent man would simply go to the father of my mother, Icarius, and ask him for her hand in marriage. Antinous blamed everything on mother, who, he says, seduces every suitor but will commit to none. She is smart in doing so, but this is destroying the livestock count of my father. Antinous reminded the suitors of a trick she pulled off on the suitors: mother said that she would choose a husband as soon as she finished weaving a burial shroud for her elderly father-in-law, Laertes. But each night, she carefully undid the knitting that she had completed during the day, so that the shroud would never be finished. Above is an example of what she wanted to knit. If mother can make no decision, Antinous declares, then she should be sent back to her father, Icarius so that he can choose a new husband for her. How dare he have such nerve to say this infront of all of the elders. The elders, themselves are such cowards that none stopped Antinous and declare how big of an imbecile he is to say this to begin with. I refused to throw mother out and called upon the gods to punish the suitors. At that moment, a pair of eagles, locked in combat, appeared overhead. The soothsayer Halitherses interprets their struggle as a sign of father’s imminent return. He signaled that the eagles were Poseidon and father who are locked in battle. Father is determined to return home while Poseidon is determined to keep him as far away from here as possible. Halitherses warned the suitors that they will face a massacre if they don’t leave. The suitors balked at such foolishness, and the meeting ended in deadlock. As I prepared for my trip to Pylos and Sparta, Athena visited me again, this time disguised as Mentor, another old friend of father's. Atleast I think it was Athena. It would give me great heart to find out that a god was right next to me and is guiding me to find my father. It would be Poseidon versus Athena. She encouraged me and predicted that my journey will be fruitful. She then left for town to find a crew for my ship. She told me to tell no one. I told none of the household servants about my trip for fear that they will tell mother, which will upset her greatly. I told Eurycleia, my favorite nurse. I didn't tell her directly, but I told her to pack a few things. She began to plead with me not to take to the open sea as father did, but I put her fears to rest by saying that I knew that a god is at my side. I knew that Athena wouldn't let me down.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Book 1 - A Goddess Intervenes

Hello to all. As I write this post, I shed tears of sadness. My father is away and the Council of Ithaca thinks he is dead. This has caused an endless line of suitors to line up at the doorstep of my mother for her to marry one of them. As if that were nothing, these free-loading selfish ******** are tearing up my father's cows, oxen, horses, harrassing the maids, treating me like a maid, and ordering my mother to marry one of them! That picture up there, yeah, ONE MAN'S MEAL EVERY TIME! This reminds me of a time in school where I was learning something about Legalism, a Chinese Philosophy, which states that people are born evil. I guess it matures with the body of the human being, and then when given the chance, the evil just comes out. These men are attracted to a woman who is of the age of their mothers! I mean, you should atleast have some respect, for elder women, if not respect for women themselves. I tell you, all these men want is to have sex with my mother period. They don't care how long they have to wait. I guess all I want is to have my dad back. Everyone wants to satisfy their Ids. Is that the purpose of life? Is it just how humans are? All I know for sure, is that people in general, simply want their Ids satisfied. I just can't wait for my father to come back, on which occassion me and him will kick some serious Ithacan leader ***. The best news came yesterday, when a stranger came into the house, a male, of course. At first I thought that his was another one of those idiotic jock suitors, but then, I thought, "If he were a suitor, I would've seen him before, fed him some oxen meat, or even given him a glass of wine." No, this man was completely new to me, so I took him into the kitchen and started talking to him about the long lost father of mine. He told me that he got wind that he was alive, how he didn't concisely say. The point is, that he knows that my father is still alive, and he is! I knew it all along! I have to go out and find him before he is found by Poseidon and gets killed by him for the death of his son. I just hope he's safe. If anyone can reach him, please do me the great favor of telling him that we are fine, the house is fine, and so is everything else. Just come home as fast as you can! Thank you very much! "Telemachus!" Sorry, that's one of those ******* suitors. Gotta go! I'll see you all tomorrow! Please tell my dad I love him. Good bye. Till we meet again friends! Godspeed and may the speed of Hermes be with you!